‘Shoreline Conversations’ is an ecumenical project established to provide resources, training and support to individuals and groups who wish to explore the spiritual dimension to life from a broadly Christian perspective.
Key to the initiative is creating opportunities for reflection and spiritual conversation in groups.
Avowedly ecumenical in attitude and intention, we hope that these conversations will not only enrich the life of local churches and Christian communities, but also provide a basis for the sharing of life and faith between Christians of different traditions.
We also seek to engage those who are no longer formally attached to the Church in any of its institutional forms, but still seek spiritual nourishment from the Christian tradition.
Our hope is to promote a culture of conversation in a world that is becoming increasingly polarized and divided, thus contributing to human flourishing and mutual belonging.
The title ‘Shoreline Conversations’ expresses with some clarity the attitude and the stance, which underpins our work. It points to the quality of graceful communication while evoking a sense of the vibrant, constantly changing borderlands between the spiritual and the secular; the inward journey and its outward expression.
Mark Davis
What we seek
Connection: With those individuals and groups who would like to promote and support the development of a conversational culture both within Christian communities and in wider society. This might involve becoming a subscriber; using the conversational resources we create; participating in training opportunities; or simply providing information to others or groups who share a similar perspective.
Partnership: Some of our resources are designed and produced at the request of groups or organisations who wish to explore particular themes with their own constituency. These partners collaborate in the creation of the resource and contribute to its production. Previous examples include: Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), Methodist Women in Britain (MWIB), Baptcare (Victoria), Australian Catholic University (ACU) and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MCS).
Sponsorship: The continuation and growth of this not-for-profit ecumenical project requires the generous funding of sponsoring groups. Our hope is that what we are holding chimes with the dreams and intentions of those who long for a renewed appreciation of the value of listening and learning from others – especially from those whose life experience and perspective may so very different from our own.
Who we are
Mark Davis
Mark is an experienced faith-based consultant and facilitator who has been working in a wide variety of Church contexts both in the UK and abroad. A Roman Catholic with a life-long commitment to ecumenism, his particular current interest is in helping faith-based organisations explore and preserve the spiritual legacy of their foundation.
Mark Howard
Mark is a designer, photographer and writer with over 35 years experience working in the third sector. After working in commercial exhibition and PR firms, he became Publications Manager for the Methodist Church in 1986. In 1990 he set up his own business twenty five educational. He has travelled extensively around the world on commissions primarily as a photojournalist; to Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, South East Asia and the South Pacific. Mark has developed a particular style and sensitivity appropriate to these contexts. He oversees our digital and print output.