Glimpsing God
The title ‘Glimpsing God’ emerges from the observation that the intuitive, lived experience of the vast majority of humankind suggests that there is more to life than meets the eye. Within and beyond the everyday, mediated in countless ways which both surprise and encourage us, we recognise transcendence and catch a glimpse of the Divine.

This conversation pack entitled ‘Aloneness’, explores different aspects of what it is to be or live alone. Through carefully chosen readings and images, consideration is given to both the positive and negative characteristics of the experience. Our need for solitude is balanced by having to face periods of enforced isolation.
We are grateful for the sponsorship of this resource by ‘Methodist Women in Britain’, who suggested the overall theme and also contributed to its production.

Journeying Spiritually with Children
To see life afresh through the eyes of a child, to be challenged by their questions and invigorated by their energy and sense of fun, is surely a precious gift in adult life. ‘Journeying Spiritually with Children’ is the second of the themes chosen by Methodist Women in Britain through which we are invited to reflect and converse about both the complexity and the simplicity of a life, lived with openness to the perspectives of the young among us – from the wonder of birth to the empty nest and beyond.

Within our increasingly secular culture, many still seek spiritual sustenance as we negotiate the challenges of life, looking for purpose and direction in a rapidly changing scene. In the midst of busy lives, taking time and space to find oneself remains an attractive proposition, which the relative anonymity of a pilgrim journey can provide.
We are grateful for the sponsorship of this conversational resource by ‘Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’, who suggested the overall theme and also contributed to its production.

Reaching for Wisdom
Some of the spiritual dimensions to later life are explored in this conversational resource. As the title, ‘Reaching for Wisdom’, suggests, behind this collection of readings and images is a very positive view of the ageing process. They imply ‘living life to the full at every stage’, even as we traverse through times of adjustment and physical decline.
We are grateful for the sponsorship of this conversational resource by ‘Methodist Homes for the Aged’, who suggested the overall theme and also contributed to its production.

A Journey to God
This conversational resource invites reflection and conversation on different aspects of a particular spiritual journey. The seven chosen themes have emerged from consideration of a famous Old Testament story where we read of the prophet Elijah going through a crisis of confidence and faith. Fleeing for his life into the desert, he gradually makes his way to Horeb, the mountain of God, where he hopes to find answers and gain a new sense of direction.

Coming soon: Soul at Work
The gift of work is an important aspect of human flourishing. It feeds into the meaning and purpose of our existence, and this is why it touches our spiritual lives. Yet we all know that work can be difficult and even soul-destroying, depending on the circumstances and the environments in which we operate. The seven themes in ‘Soul at Work’ invite us to explore different aspects of our working lives as we seek a higher purpose than simply paying the bills.